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One Word For 2021

Stop! Don’t Make That New Year Resolution!

One Word for 2021

Are you still struggling to make New Year Resolutions only to find you have broken them 3 days later? 

May I suggest that you do something different this year. Something I believe will make a tremendous difference in your success for 2021. 

I know what you’re wondering now.

What is it? 

Two words: 

One Word. 

For years, I was a habitual resolution maker and breaker. I would make solid, positive resolutions with great intentions (you know, the stuff that paves the road to Hell), only to make it about 3 or 4 days in before I would break them. 

Then I discovered the One Word concept. 

When I first found it, I thought, “Yeah, right. That’ll never work. It’s way too simple.” But, the more I looked into it and heard the testimonies of people time and again reinforcing the power of this simple little technique, I thought, “What have I got to lose?”

Here’s how it works:

Choose One Word for the New Year.

Keep it Simple. 

This will be my 3rd year doing this and at the end of each year, I have looked back in amazement at how this concept has worked in so many positive ways.

My word for 2020 was MINDFUL.

I am so thankful that was the word I chose. It was definitely a year that offered me many opportunities to practice being MINDFUL. 

Was I successful every day, all the time? 

Not at all, but that’s the great thing about the One Word technique. It’s not an all or nothing thing.

When you choose your One Word, you send a message to your powerful unconscious mind saying, “This is what I want for the year, and please bring my attention to it as things happen and events occur each day.” 

Throughout the year, when things happened, my subconscious mind would help me remember to be MINDFUL. To be present in the moment. 

I was mindful of:

The smell of my wife’s hair as I kissed her goodbye heading out the door for work.

The sound of the rain as it dripped off the roof and onto a plastic container underneath it.

The crackle and warmth of a campfire.

The connection and rapport with a client as a teardrop if joy rolls down their cheek when they discover their breakthrough moment freeing themself from years of trauma and pain.

I could go on and on, but you get the point.

Here are 3 steps to choosing your word of the year.

STEP 1: Think about that ridiculous New Year’s Resolution you were about to make. Vividly imagine that it’s December 31, 2021 and you NAILED IT! You accomplished the goal and you’re reaping all the benefits of success.

Let yourself dream really big here!

When you have this ⬆⬆⬆, what does it give you?

Does it give you peace? Freedom? Joy? Relief? Health? Vitality?

Your answer to this question might just be your word of the year.

STEP 2: Close your eyes, sit up straight, and take a deep breath. Try on that word.

Speak it out loud (unless someone is sitting next to you and they’ll think you’re crazy).

How does that FEEL?

If you like it, keep it.

If it’s not super-duper awesome, try on a different word.

Remember, keep it simple. Trust your intuition.

You ARE doing it right.

STEP 3: Install your word.

Again, this is easier than you think.

Close your eyes and let your body relax.

Say, “My word of the year is _____. Unconscious mind, will you keep this word at the front of my mind in 2021? Please help me remember ____”

Then just pretend it worked!

Trust your unconscious to make it happen.

Bonus points for writing your word down and sticking it in places you will see it and in a place like your sock drawer.

You may forget to consciously look at it…

…and your unconscious notices it every time you grab socks.

Every time you notice yourself thinking, “What was my word of the year?” that’s your unconscious reminding you. You’ll be aware of all the times you’ve been more ____ in 2021. 

Let’s meet back here next year and share all of the wonderful things your One Word brought to reality in your life.

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