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Month: August 2023

Reaching Out for Help: Why Hypnotherapy Could Be Your Game Changer

If you’re sitting on the fence about whether to try hypnotherapy, you’re not alone. It’s human nature to approach unfamiliar territories with caution. However, today, let’s try and dispel some myths and apprehensions to help you make an informed decision about embarking on this transformative journey. Many of us hold misconceptions about hypnotherapy, courtesy of its portrayal in popular media. From mind control to forced actions, the myths are endless. The reality, however, is entirely different. Hypnotherapy is a respected therapeutic tool that facilitates access to your subconscious mind, opening doors to positive changes and personal growth. It’s crucial to…

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The Role of Hypnotherapy: A Guiding Beacon Amidst Life’s Challenges

In our exploration of various therapeutic modalities, hypnotherapy often emerges as an intriguing yet misunderstood field. I want to see if I can demystify hypnotherapy for some of you by steering clear from popular misconceptions of stage hypnosis and instead, draw an analogy to a lighthouse guiding vessels through stormy seas.  Envision yourself navigating a ship amid a tumultuous sea. Suddenly, you find yourself amidst a violent storm. The waves thrash against your vessel, winds bellow, and visibility is significantly reduced by the dense mist. The situation is overwhelming and incites fear. Amidst this chaos, imagine sighting a lighthouse in…

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Demystifying Hypnosis: Clinical Hypnotherapy vs. Stage Hypnosis

In today’s world, it’s not uncommon for individuals to approach hypnotherapy with a degree of skepticism or fear. Much of this apprehension stems from portrayals of hypnosis in media, where it is often sensationalized as a means of making individuals perform absurd tasks or behave in ways they normally wouldn’t – like clucking like a chicken on stage. As a practicing clinical hypnotherapist, I’d like to shed some light on the topic and assure you that real-life hypnotherapy is nothing like what you’ve seen on TV or stage performances. Firstly, let’s differentiate between stage hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy. Stage hypnosis…

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