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Tag: hypnotist in rome georgia

I don’t need to know that…

One of the coolest aspects of the way I work with my clients is the concept of content-free coaching. What does that mean, exactly? It means that you have the freedom to share as little or as much detail as you’re comfortable with during our sessions. Here’s the thing: your unconscious mind knows what needs to be done. It holds the key to unlocking your potential and achieving your goals. My role as your coach is to help guide and support you on your journey, without needing to know all the nitty-gritty details. So why is content-free coaching so powerful?…

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Tapping into the Healing Within: Your Path to Self-Discovery

Life has a way of piling on challenges, and as time goes by, the weight of these struggles can become a burden. For many, this load takes the form of internal pain, unresolved issues, and emotional wounds that seem impossible to heal. But what if I told you that there’s a wellspring of healing within you, waiting to be accessed? It’s not something you need to create or make; it’s simply there, available when you tune within. The real question is, are you ready for it? Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing countless individuals who carried the…

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Exploring the Power of Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness Breathing for Fibromyalgia Relief

Attention, Fibromyalgia Warriors: Discover a New Path to Relief and Rejuvenation! Are you tired of the relentless pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances that come with fibromyalgia? Yearning for a natural and effective solution to improve your quality of life? Look no further! In this article, we unveil the transformative powers of hypnotherapy and mindfulness breathing techniques specifically tailored to help individuals like you find respite from fibromyalgia’s grip. Backed by scientific research and real-life success stories, this captivating journey into the world of holistic healing awaits you. Take the first step towards reclaiming your vitality and read on to unlock…

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One Word For 2021

Stop! Don’t Make That New Year Resolution! One Word for 2021 Are you still struggling to make New Year Resolutions only to find you have broken them 3 days later?  May I suggest that you do something different this year. Something I believe will make a tremendous difference in your success for 2021.  I know what you’re wondering now. What is it?  Two words:  One Word.  For years, I was a habitual resolution maker and breaker. I would make solid, positive resolutions with great intentions (you know, the stuff that paves the road to Hell), only to make it about…

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Hypnosis 101 – How to Use Unconscious Cues to Make Yourself Happier and More Successful

In today’s world, we’re consumed by technology, pressured by financial stress, meeting deadlines, and much more. It’s no wonder more and more people are stressed and anxious. At the end of the day, we all want to be happy. If you have heard about the law of attraction, then you will know that being highly positive, believing in yourself and acting lucky will all help to make you luckier. That’s all great. But simply changing the way you think and feel about yourself isn’t quite so easy as just deciding you’re going to do it. Beliefs about ourselves and about…

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It’s Okay To Change

It’s okay to change. Most of the time we make the best decisions we can based on the available evidence and information we have available to us at the time. As time goes on new information becomes available. It reminds me of story of a little boy I once knew. He was in the 4th grade and was an excellent student. Good grades. Got along well with the other kids. He was such a hard worker. But one day, well into the school year, he had a change. He started doing poorly in class. Wouldn’t do his homework. Didn’t want…

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Hypnotherapy For Stress Relief

Is hypnotherapy for stress relief effective? Stress can be defined as a state we experience when there is a mismatch between perceived demands and our perceived ability to cope. Stress can also be defined as an adaptive response by a body to change in the environment. Stress response evolved to enable humans to deal with life-threatening dangers or stressors such as being confronted with a wild animal or perhaps a hostile human. Situations like this required action – the activation of stress response to wither stay and fight or to run away. Today we hopefully won’t have to face the…

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Memories are Malleable

Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP, once said, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” At the time he said this back in the 1970s it was quite controversial and caused an uproar. But now that we have learned more about the brain and how it works, this statement can be better understood. You can’t change the past (unless you have a time machine you’re not telling anyone about). It happened. It is a fact. And, now, it is forever in our memory. The thing is, our memories aren’t factual and they aren’t fixed. Have you ever noticed talking…

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Can I Be Hypnotized?

You may be thinking, “Hypnosis sounds wonderful, but can I be hypnotized?  I don’t think I can be.  I’m pretty stubborn, I don’t have a good attention span and I hate thought or the feeling of losing control.” You may be surprised to learn that you have experience hypnosis and going into trance on a daily basis. Yes, you see hypnosis is a natural state of mind and trance is something we all enter into and come out of several times a day. Think about this: Have you ever found yourself completely immersed in an activity to the exclusion of…

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