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Tag: subconscious

One Word For 2021

Stop! Don’t Make That New Year Resolution! One Word for 2021 Are you still struggling to make New Year Resolutions only to find you have broken them 3 days later?  May I suggest that you do something different this year. Something I believe will make a tremendous difference in your success for 2021.  I know what you’re wondering now. What is it?  Two words:  One Word.  For years, I was a habitual resolution maker and breaker. I would make solid, positive resolutions with great intentions (you know, the stuff that paves the road to Hell), only to make it about…

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Does the Subconscious Mind Affect Cognitive Behavior?

Does the subconscious mind affect cognitive behavior? The short answer is, “Depends on who you ask.” Just like with most things the thoughts on this are divided. With that said, I think it does. I can only base this answer on my studies and experiences with hypnotherapy sessions I have done personally. According to Dr. Milton H. Erickson, know as the father of modern hypnotherapy, and whose techniques I have studied, it appears there is alway communication between the concious and subconcious, not only in one’s own mind, but between the minds of others, such as the therapist and client.…

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