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Depression is a Bad Habit

Depression is a bad habit. That’s right, it’s a habit.

It’s a compelling habit, but still a habit. Anything done with repetition, felt with repetition, and even thought with repetition creates a habituated pattern in the brain, in the body, and in the biochemistry regardless of cause.

I don’t even need to hear the labels you have been given by others or by yourself.

You are not your actions or emotions, so it’s time you quit defining yourself by them.

You are not depressed. You feel a state of depression. That feeling is not you. It is an emotion created in your mind. It is part of your map of the world and the map is not the territory.

In my world, what you have is a habit, and I’m really good at teaching others how to get rid of bad habits by reprogramming your brain with the power of visualization.

When you keep telling yourself that story that you have been telling for some time, with the same emotion, what is happening is you are grooving that story a little deeper in your brain.

I can help you change your brain.

I get that it feels big to you and that it happens all the time.

Most habits do. Especially those we have labeled as bad.

But, like any other habit, it can be changed. It can be unlearned and replaced with a “good” habit. It can be replaced with a habit that will be beneficial to you now and in the future.

If you are feeling depressed or anxious, and are fed up with feeling that way, give me a call at 706-314-8782 to discuss a plan of action to dump that habit.

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