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Tag: bad habits

It’s Okay To Change

It’s okay to change. Most of the time we make the best decisions we can based on the available evidence and information we have available to us at the time. As time goes on new information becomes available. It reminds me of story of a little boy I once knew. He was in the 4th grade and was an excellent student. Good grades. Got along well with the other kids. He was such a hard worker. But one day, well into the school year, he had a change. He started doing poorly in class. Wouldn’t do his homework. Didn’t want…

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Depression is a Bad Habit

Depression is a bad habit. That’s right, it’s a habit. It’s a compelling habit, but still a habit. Anything done with repetition, felt with repetition, and even thought with repetition creates a habituated pattern in the brain, in the body, and in the biochemistry regardless of cause. I don’t even need to hear the labels you have been given by others or by yourself. You are not your actions or emotions, so it’s time you quit defining yourself by them. You are not depressed. You feel a state of depression. That feeling is not you. It is an emotion created…

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