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How Hypnosis Works To Bypass Your Critical Faculty To Make Positive Changes In Your Mind and Body

Think about your brain as if it were a crowded social gathering like a popular restaurant, bar, or nightclub. Imagine every person in that gathering represents a thought, belief, or experience in your mind.

Now, they all seem to be getting along well with each other for the most part.

Just like at any popular hotspot there is a line of people waiting to get in. These are also representative of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. And, like any popular place, there is a guard or bouncer. This is known as the Critical Faculty that you have in your brain.

What is the Critical Faculty?

The Critical Faculty is like the bouncer at the bar. A person comes up and wants to get into the hotspot. The first thing the bouncer does is checks the ID to make sure the one wanting in is of legal age. Next, he sizes the person up and looks into the bar to make sure this person will fit well with the others already in the club. The bouncer isn’t passing judgment on whether the person wanting in is a good person or a bad person, but is simply seeing if they are a good fit for letting in. Just like a biker wouldn’t fit in well at a country club or a businessman wouldn’t be a good fit in a biker bar. It’s not making a value statement or saying that one is better than the other. It is just about what matches with what is already in there.

So, a possibility, an opportunity, an emotion, or a belief gets presented to you, your Critical Faculty examines it and makes a determination whether that thought is like all the others you are already holding to in your mind. If you have been told your entire life you are a great artist. As an example: People rave about your artwork. You have folks seeking you out to buy your art. Then someone comes along and tells you that your artwork is terrible. You will easily dismiss this because you have plenty of anchors confirming you are a good artist. The bouncer won’t let that “person” in.

Now lets go inside

Inside the bar everyone is similar. They are all getting along well. They are ordering similar drinks. They do this by going up to the bartender and asking for the drink. When you order a meal or a drink you don’t ask for them by individual ingredients. You just ask for the completed product.

Your body chemistry works the same way. When your mind says, “I would like some happiness, please.” It isn’t asking for the specifics like a little dopamine, a splash of serotonin, and a pinch of adrenaline. You don’t need to know the exact portions. That’s the bartender’s job.

Your beliefs, thoughts, and experiences “order drinks”. The call up the chemistry in your brain.

You have felt this in your life. You’ve been frightened or angry and felt that rush of adrenaline. You’ve been relaxed and calm and felt the effects of serotonin.

So, What Does Hypnosis Have To Do With This?

Hypnosis is designed to go into the bar and start ordering other drinks. The bartender is a very smart guy. He know what his customers want and like, so he keeps all of the ingredients on hand. He keeps enough that he won’t ever run out. Sometimes he keeps some drinks pre-made as a house special.

Hypnosis sees that. It’s how your mind and body works. Your brain is designed to build more and more of what you are used to building. If you are constantly building anger and frustration, it’s easy to build because the bartender keeps those ingredients close by. And, if you are used to making happiness, then it’s easy for the bartender to make more and make it quickly.

The bartender makes the drinks that you keep ordering. Hypnosis comes in and see that. He says to the bartender, “I see you are making a lot of frustration lately. Next couple of rounds are on me, but lets change the order up and make some happiness and calm.”

Everybody sees that and Hypnosis starts making friends. They all like the drinks he is getting. The bartender likes it too, because Hypnosis is a fun guy and is a big tipper. He starts letting him order for everyone. He lets him hold events in the place. Hypnosis creates a guest list and new people start showing up. They are on the list now and the Bouncer (Critical Faculty) lets them right in without question.

Now there is a shift in the clientele. New people with new tastes are coming and the bartender has had to make a change in what he is constantly making.

That’s How Hypnosis Works

It’s is a powerful tool to create positive change in your mind and body.

If you are ready to make these positive changes in your mind and body, please contact me for a free consultation and to schedule an online or in-person session.

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