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Tag: beliefs

Unlock Your True Potential with a Mental Wellness Reset

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or struggling with your mental well-being? It’s time to take a step towards a happier, healthier you. Introducing the Mental Wellness Reset program at Northwest Georgia Coaching and Hypnosis, led by Dr. Shane Clements. The Mental Wellness Reset program is designed to help you rediscover your inner balance and achieve a state of optimal well-being. It’s an opportunity to hit the reset button on your mental health and embark on a transformative journey towards a more fulfilling life. Through this program, you’ll receive personalized guidance, support, and effective strategies to overcome challenges, manage stress, and…

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It’s Okay To Change

It’s okay to change. Most of the time we make the best decisions we can based on the available evidence and information we have available to us at the time. As time goes on new information becomes available. It reminds me of story of a little boy I once knew. He was in the 4th grade and was an excellent student. Good grades. Got along well with the other kids. He was such a hard worker. But one day, well into the school year, he had a change. He started doing poorly in class. Wouldn’t do his homework. Didn’t want…

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How Hypnosis Works To Bypass Your Critical Faculty To Make Positive Changes In Your Mind and Body

Think about your brain as if it were a crowded social gathering like a popular restaurant, bar, or nightclub. Imagine every person in that gathering represents a thought, belief, or experience in your mind. Now, they all seem to be getting along well with each other for the most part. Just like at any popular hotspot there is a line of people waiting to get in. These are also representative of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. And, like any popular place, there is a guard or bouncer. This is known as the Critical Faculty that you have in your brain. What…

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