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Why Some People Choose to Wallow in Misery Instead of Seeking Mental Health Support (And How to Encourage Them to Prioritize Their Well-Being)

Why do some people prefer to wallow in their misery instead of getting help? Well, maybe because they think it’s a good idea to save money on therapy and spend it on chocolate instead. Or maybe because they believe that they have a better chance of winning the lottery than finding a therapist who understands them. But seriously, there are many reasons why people resist seeking help when they are struggling. Some may feel ashamed or embarrassed about their problems, while others may fear being judged or misunderstood. And let’s be real, some just like to complain and feel sorry…

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It’s Okay To Change

It’s okay to change. Most of the time we make the best decisions we can based on the available evidence and information we have available to us at the time. As time goes on new information becomes available. It reminds me of story of a little boy I once knew. He was in the 4th grade and was an excellent student. Good grades. Got along well with the other kids. He was such a hard worker. But one day, well into the school year, he had a change. He started doing poorly in class. Wouldn’t do his homework. Didn’t want…

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Hypnosis for Pain Relief

Hypnosis is an effective tool for pain relief. The reason is simple. It changes your awareness and teaches you how to overcome the pain by increasing the level of comfort you feel. Understand, a hypnosis session is not a substitute for medical intervention. Pain is a resource of the body that should be listened to, as it can alert us to medical needs that require attention. But for those already under the care of a physician or those enduring chronic pain, learning the skills of hypnosis is an excellent way to see pain from a new perspective. By using hypnosis,…

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Memories are Malleable

Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP, once said, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” At the time he said this back in the 1970s it was quite controversial and caused an uproar. But now that we have learned more about the brain and how it works, this statement can be better understood. You can’t change the past (unless you have a time machine you’re not telling anyone about). It happened. It is a fact. And, now, it is forever in our memory. The thing is, our memories aren’t factual and they aren’t fixed. Have you ever noticed talking…

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Can I Be Hypnotized?

You may be thinking, “Hypnosis sounds wonderful, but can I be hypnotized?  I don’t think I can be.  I’m pretty stubborn, I don’t have a good attention span and I hate thought or the feeling of losing control.” You may be surprised to learn that you have experience hypnosis and going into trance on a daily basis. Yes, you see hypnosis is a natural state of mind and trance is something we all enter into and come out of several times a day. Think about this: Have you ever found yourself completely immersed in an activity to the exclusion of…

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