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Tag: nlp

The Map is not the Territory

A phrase first coined by Alfred Korzybski. Alfred worked in the general semantics field in the 1900s. What does this phrase mean though? It means that our maps and models of how the world works will only ever be an approximate or an estimation of the ‘actual’ world. Of course, this makes sense at an intuitive level. An actual map of your city, state, or country, by necessity, has been scaled down to be practical. Specific elements have been filtered out in the process to create a “decent or useful” representation of the streets and pathways of the city for…

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Hypnosis 101 – How to Use Unconscious Cues to Make Yourself Happier and More Successful

In today’s world, we’re consumed by technology, pressured by financial stress, meeting deadlines, and much more. It’s no wonder more and more people are stressed and anxious. At the end of the day, we all want to be happy. If you have heard about the law of attraction, then you will know that being highly positive, believing in yourself and acting lucky will all help to make you luckier. That’s all great. But simply changing the way you think and feel about yourself isn’t quite so easy as just deciding you’re going to do it. Beliefs about ourselves and about…

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How the Learning Process Works

Your mind and how the learning process works. It’s just like learning to ride a bike. There are 4 steps to how your mind processes and learns anything new. Step 1: Unconscious Ignorance – Remember back when learning to ride a bike. This first step means you don’t know how to ride a bike. And, you aren’t even aware of anything cycling related. Step 2: Conscious Ignorance – In this step, you don’t know how to cycle, but you are aware of cycling and know that you don’t know how to ride a bike. Step 3: Conscious Knowledge – Here…

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Depression Is Not An Illness

Depression is not an illness, and it’s also not an identity. When people feel the emotional state of depression they often feel out of control or that the feeling has become who they are. This is not the case. When dealing with the feelings of depression, learning some specific skills and techniques will help you re-establish the feelings of control of your life and give you a positive outlook in restoring your true identity. Some of the tools and skills I teach my clients for getting rid of their depressed state: Learning how to address your life questions more clearly…

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Memories are Malleable

Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP, once said, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” At the time he said this back in the 1970s it was quite controversial and caused an uproar. But now that we have learned more about the brain and how it works, this statement can be better understood. You can’t change the past (unless you have a time machine you’re not telling anyone about). It happened. It is a fact. And, now, it is forever in our memory. The thing is, our memories aren’t factual and they aren’t fixed. Have you ever noticed talking…

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Mindscaping: A Powerful Tool For Personal Insights and to Create Rapid Positive Change

MINDSCAPING teaches you to access your unconscious mind, providing a simple, but incredibly powerful method for both personal insight and to create rapid change. MINDSCAPING had its genesis in aspects of Ericksonian hypnosis, Time Line Therapy™, NLP submodality shifts, The Cube system of personality typing, and Jungian symbolism and archetype theory. You now have a powerful method for creating deep change, regardless of your problem. The instructions and help will come to you, directly from your unconscious mind, making it a powerful way to create positive change in your life. Create immediate positive behavioural shifts Remove Fears Get Past Roadblocks and Move Forward…

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Does the Subconscious Mind Affect Cognitive Behavior?

Does the subconscious mind affect cognitive behavior? The short answer is, “Depends on who you ask.” Just like with most things the thoughts on this are divided. With that said, I think it does. I can only base this answer on my studies and experiences with hypnotherapy sessions I have done personally. According to Dr. Milton H. Erickson, know as the father of modern hypnotherapy, and whose techniques I have studied, it appears there is alway communication between the concious and subconcious, not only in one’s own mind, but between the minds of others, such as the therapist and client.…

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