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Tag: stress reduction

They Can’t Push Buttons That Aren’t There

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and pushed to our limits by the actions and words of others. Many people seek guidance on how to navigate these external pressures without losing their composure. As a mental wellness coach and coach, I often hear clients express their desire to learn techniques for preventing others from “pushing their buttons.” However, my approach to emotional well-being goes deeper than teaching mere defense mechanisms. Instead of focusing on how to keep others from pushing their buttons, I show my clients how to remove those buttons altogether. The Concept of “Buttons” To understand the significance of…

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The Need for Regular Mental Wellness Exercise

In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of maintaining physical health is widely acknowledged. Most people understand the necessity of regular physical exercise to stay healthy, reduce stress, and increase longevity. However, a crucial aspect often overlooked is the need for regular mental wellness exercise. Just as our bodies need consistent activity to function optimally, our minds require regular exercise to stay healthy and resilient. The Connection Between Physical and Mental Wellness Our mental and physical health are intricately connected. A healthy body can support a healthy mind, and vice versa. Physical exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, and…

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