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Tag: self reflection

Empowering Your Life: Embracing Personal Agency and Creating Your Circumstances

The thought that “you are not a victim of circumstances, you are the creator of the circumstances” highlights the power of personal agency and the role individuals play in shaping their lives. It emphasizes the idea that you have the ability to take control of your actions, decisions, and responses, ultimately influencing the outcomes and circumstances you experience. While it is true that some events and situations may be beyond our control, this perspective encourages a proactive mindset rather than a passive one. It reminds us that we have the capacity to shape our lives and responses to external events,…

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Why Some People Choose to Wallow in Misery Instead of Seeking Mental Health Support (And How to Encourage Them to Prioritize Their Well-Being)

Why do some people prefer to wallow in their misery instead of getting help? Well, maybe because they think it’s a good idea to save money on therapy and spend it on chocolate instead. Or maybe because they believe that they have a better chance of winning the lottery than finding a therapist who understands them. But seriously, there are many reasons why people resist seeking help when they are struggling. Some may feel ashamed or embarrassed about their problems, while others may fear being judged or misunderstood. And let’s be real, some just like to complain and feel sorry…

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Your Thoughts Matter: What You Think and Why Is Important

The quality of your thoughts matter. Do you ever feel like a complete stranger to yourself? Do you ever stop to think about your thoughts? What about critiquing your thought processes? How well do you self-reflect? Do you allow yourself time to clarify your values in a times of uncertainty? I think self-reflection and introspection, examining our thoughts and our mental processes for arriving at those thoughts, are crucial daily disciplines to practice. In order for things to improve, they must improve from within first. Or as Zig Ziglar once said, “There’s just no room for stinkin’ thinkin’.” Here are…

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