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Tag: hypnotism

Demystifying Hypnosis: Clinical Hypnotherapy vs. Stage Hypnosis

In today’s world, it’s not uncommon for individuals to approach hypnotherapy with a degree of skepticism or fear. Much of this apprehension stems from portrayals of hypnosis in media, where it is often sensationalized as a means of making individuals perform absurd tasks or behave in ways they normally wouldn’t – like clucking like a chicken on stage. As a practicing clinical hypnotherapist, I’d like to shed some light on the topic and assure you that real-life hypnotherapy is nothing like what you’ve seen on TV or stage performances. Firstly, let’s differentiate between stage hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy. Stage hypnosis…

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The Map is not the Territory

A phrase first coined by Alfred Korzybski. Alfred worked in the general semantics field in the 1900s. What does this phrase mean though? It means that our maps and models of how the world works will only ever be an approximate or an estimation of the ‘actual’ world. Of course, this makes sense at an intuitive level. An actual map of your city, state, or country, by necessity, has been scaled down to be practical. Specific elements have been filtered out in the process to create a “decent or useful” representation of the streets and pathways of the city for…

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How the Learning Process Works

Your mind and how the learning process works. It’s just like learning to ride a bike. There are 4 steps to how your mind processes and learns anything new. Step 1: Unconscious Ignorance – Remember back when learning to ride a bike. This first step means you don’t know how to ride a bike. And, you aren’t even aware of anything cycling related. Step 2: Conscious Ignorance – In this step, you don’t know how to cycle, but you are aware of cycling and know that you don’t know how to ride a bike. Step 3: Conscious Knowledge – Here…

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