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Tag: hypnotic induction

Can I Be Hypnotized?

You may be thinking, “Hypnosis sounds wonderful, but can I be hypnotized?  I don’t think I can be.  I’m pretty stubborn, I don’t have a good attention span and I hate thought or the feeling of losing control.” You may be surprised to learn that you have experience hypnosis and going into trance on a daily basis. Yes, you see hypnosis is a natural state of mind and trance is something we all enter into and come out of several times a day. Think about this: Have you ever found yourself completely immersed in an activity to the exclusion of…

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What Does Hypnotic Trance Feel Like?

What does it feel like to go into a hypnotic trance? What does hypnosis feel like? These are common questions I get from folks often. Another question I get from those that use my MP3 Deep-Relaxation audio is, “I catch my mind wandering while listening, is that okay? Is that supposed to happen, or am I doing something wrong? Does concentrating really hard on just following everything said in hypnosis increase its effects?” I help them set aside their fears and concerns by assuring them that ‘zoning out’ is okay and purely natural when going in to trance because your…

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