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Tag: healthy relationships

They Can’t Push Buttons That Aren’t There

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and pushed to our limits by the actions and words of others. Many people seek guidance on how to navigate these external pressures without losing their composure. As a mental wellness coach and coach, I often hear clients express their desire to learn techniques for preventing others from “pushing their buttons.” However, my approach to emotional well-being goes deeper than teaching mere defense mechanisms. Instead of focusing on how to keep others from pushing their buttons, I show my clients how to remove those buttons altogether. The Concept of “Buttons” To understand the significance of…

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Happiness is Not Elusive: Finding Joy Within

In our fast-paced, modern world, pursuing happiness is like chasing a mirage in a desert. Many people spend their lives searching for happiness in external achievements, material possessions, and the validation of others, only to find that these sources offer fleeting moments of joy at best. The truth, however, is that happiness is not elusive—it is just often sought in the wrong places. Genuine happiness is not out there in the external but resides within each of us. The External Pursuit of Happiness From a young age, society conditions us to believe that happiness is linked to external accomplishments. We…

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