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Tag: growth mindset

The Role of Hypnotherapy: A Guiding Beacon Amidst Life’s Challenges

In our exploration of various therapeutic modalities, hypnotherapy often emerges as an intriguing yet misunderstood field. I want to see if I can demystify hypnotherapy for some of you by steering clear from popular misconceptions of stage hypnosis and instead, draw an analogy to a lighthouse guiding vessels through stormy seas.  Envision yourself navigating a ship amid a tumultuous sea. Suddenly, you find yourself amidst a violent storm. The waves thrash against your vessel, winds bellow, and visibility is significantly reduced by the dense mist. The situation is overwhelming and incites fear. Amidst this chaos, imagine sighting a lighthouse in…

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The Transience of Experiences: Reflections on Hypnosis and Bathing

In our quest for understanding and personal growth, we often encounter various techniques and practices that promise transformative effects. Two such experiences are hypnosis and taking a bath. While both can provide profound effects, there are individuals who argue that hypnosis is ineffective because its effects don’t always last. In response to such skepticism, I invite you to contemplate the fleeting nature of experiences by drawing an analogy between hypnosis and bathing. I want to explore the concept of transience and offer a fresh perspective on the efficacy of these practices. First, hypnosis, a therapeutic technique that induces a state…

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Empowering Your Life: Embracing Personal Agency and Creating Your Circumstances

The thought that “you are not a victim of circumstances, you are the creator of the circumstances” highlights the power of personal agency and the role individuals play in shaping their lives. It emphasizes the idea that you have the ability to take control of your actions, decisions, and responses, ultimately influencing the outcomes and circumstances you experience. While it is true that some events and situations may be beyond our control, this perspective encourages a proactive mindset rather than a passive one. It reminds us that we have the capacity to shape our lives and responses to external events,…

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