MINDSCAPING teaches you to access your unconscious mind, providing a simple, but incredibly powerful method for both personal insight and to create rapid change. MINDSCAPING had its genesis in aspects of Ericksonian hypnosis, Time Line Therapy™, NLP submodality shifts, The Cube system of personality typing, and Jungian symbolism and archetype theory. You now have a powerful method for creating deep change, regardless of your problem. The instructions and help will come to you, directly from your unconscious mind, making it a powerful way to create positive change in your life. Create immediate positive behavioural shifts Remove Fears Get Past Roadblocks and Move Forward…
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For many people, the bad thoughts, memories, and experiences may be so intense that it looks like there is no good stuff at all. I hear you loud and clear and can feel that same frustration from time to time. The thing is there is still good stuff in there, however, it’s just not prominent. That’s where a Jubilation Journal comes in. As soon as you start to use it, you will surprise yourself with the amount of good you really do have in you! It can be easy to underestimate the importance and power of recalling all of the…
Comments closedDid you know that you will always tend to see what you are looking for? If you are looking for Mondays to be bad, guess what? You will find that your Monday will end up feeling pretty bad. If you think Mondays are great days, and they give you another opportunity to improve, learn something new, help someone, enjoy the beauty and the miracle of life that is all around you, then your Monday will be pretty great. You will find what you are looking for. You may have heard the story of the wise sage and the two travelers,…
Comments closedThink about your brain as if it were a crowded social gathering like a popular restaurant, bar, or nightclub. Imagine every person in that gathering represents a thought, belief, or experience in your mind. Now, they all seem to be getting along well with each other for the most part. Just like at any popular hotspot there is a line of people waiting to get in. These are also representative of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. And, like any popular place, there is a guard or bouncer. This is known as the Critical Faculty that you have in your brain. What…
Comments closed“Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it.” ― W. Somerset Maugham Change Happens In this life, nothing remains constant. Everything changes. Thoughts arise and they go away. People come into our lives and they leave from our lives. You can never put your hand into the same flowing river twice, for the second time the river will be different and so will you. Everything is impermanent, this table I am sitting at, this computer, this room,…
Comments closedDoes the subconscious mind affect cognitive behavior? The short answer is, “Depends on who you ask.” Just like with most things the thoughts on this are divided. With that said, I think it does. I can only base this answer on my studies and experiences with hypnotherapy sessions I have done personally. According to Dr. Milton H. Erickson, know as the father of modern hypnotherapy, and whose techniques I have studied, it appears there is alway communication between the concious and subconcious, not only in one’s own mind, but between the minds of others, such as the therapist and client.…
Comments closedThe quality of your thoughts matter. Do you ever feel like a complete stranger to yourself? Do you ever stop to think about your thoughts? What about critiquing your thought processes? How well do you self-reflect? Do you allow yourself time to clarify your values in a times of uncertainty? I think self-reflection and introspection, examining our thoughts and our mental processes for arriving at those thoughts, are crucial daily disciplines to practice. In order for things to improve, they must improve from within first. Or as Zig Ziglar once said, “There’s just no room for stinkin’ thinkin’.” Here are…
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